Saturday, April 23, 2022

DMACC scholars abroad: Europe through student lenses...

The students took some great photos this London Study Abroad semester...including some spots I myself didn't get to while I was there. This was such a great group and they were good at exploring and discovering stuff. They would sometimes jump on a bus just to see where it went, which I have to say is not a bad way to see the city. They looked out for each other and had great attitudes, even when things got challenging. 

Corinne took this one at the Viaduct Tavern near the Old Bailey. Clockwise starting on the right: Grace, Corinne, Kee, Kamaura, Charlotte, Zizzy and Jake. More about the Viaduct in other posts...a good find that I never made it to so there's yet another reason to go back.

Amber took this photo of the Church Garden of St. Dunstan in the East, a church ruined in the Blitz that is now a beautiful gothic garden. I never made it out there, but it's on my list for next time...another inspiring spot of ancient beauty for creative writers!
Charlotte took this in Brighton...a great close-up of the beach and view of the shoreline. Brighton was the favorite day trip for most students, and I think it would be a fun overnight trip, especially later in the season.
Ashley in Scotland. The students really loved the Scotland trip. If you are considering Study Abroad and debating whether to add this...just add it. Trust us.

Grace took this in a Korean BBQ joint in Kensington. From left to right: Malorie, Grace, Maddy, Macy, Trae, Landon, Jackson, Zizzy, Charlotte, Jake and Corinne.
Jackson selfie with one of many Jesus paintings at the National Gallery...another must go and a fave with the students.
Kee took this one of Edinburgh at night...showing solidarity with Ukraine in the night lights. Danielle went to Edinburgh as well...also enjoyed.
Gorgeous composition by Kylee of Eilean Donan Castle in Scotland. The students confirmed for me that I need to go there with Danny soon. 
A view of Paris by night from Macy. I went to Paris as well, though I only gave myself four hours so it was more of a run through. The students spent a little more time there and did a lot of cool stuff like the catacombs, which many said was their favorite part.
Angelica gracefully overlooking Regent's Park...just a lady enjoying the pleasure garden and taking the air.
Another beautifully composed photo of a Scotland loch by Kamaura Kim. Did I say the students loved Scotland? They really loved Scotland.

And finally, this is Landon's photo of Cyberdog, a shop/experience in Camden for raver types. I never made it there, but I'm sure it would have brought me back to my party days. Sigh.

You guys are the best!

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