Today I voted in the partisan primary election for Wisconsin's District 1. Woopity doo. I keep telling myself that voting is the responsible thing to do. If it doesn't matter, then why are Republicans busting their balls to push voter ID laws through? They're trying to get somebody not to vote, so it must matter to them. But does it really matter to us? I don't know anymore. Why aren't Democrats speaking up more about how voter fraud pretty much doesn't exist? I suspect they don't care, because they get their campaign contributions either way.
Here's the thing. I don't know the difference between Democrats and Republicans at this point. I'm told there is a difference, but I don't see it. I know they are in this enduring pissing contest. I know they both like winning, and they like the campaign money that comes with it. I know they both make loads in contributions and they are rich country club cunts even before that. Neither of them really represents me. I am convinced they don't care about me or my community.
Traditionally, Democrats have more closely represented my interests. But lately, I see them slacking off on the job in such a way that I suspect their hearts aren't in it. I see them caving to every policy the other side wants to implement, and why? Probably because they are the very people that Republicans are working for. As wealthy, ivy-league, golf club-swinging, highball-drinking, aristocratic douchebags, they cannot possibly care about the needs of poor hippie losers like me.
Both parties work for corporations, period. This is the conclusion I've come to, which I'm frightened to think is similar to that of Russell Brand in his BBC interview. Does he deserve the riot act he was surely read afterwards? If I quit voting, am I a turd, shirking my responsibilities as a citizen?
I posit that voting may be the irresponsible move...hear me out. It sends the message to these political candidates that they should keep dropping millions of dollars on idiot TV spots that will inevitably be cancelled out by the claims of the opponent, that use ideologies to gain votes when in fact the candidate in no way espouses these, and are totally annoying and grating. Ugh...get off my TV!!!! Voting also sends the message that we're all on board with the idea of a democracy that might not exist. I hope it does. But it looks more and more like it doesn't.
What message will not voting send? Maybe none. Maybe I'm being too cynical. But until campaign finance reform occurs which prevents the laws that govern our lives from being determined by companies, I don't feel my vote means a whole lot. If corporations are considered as human as I am, with religious convictions and everything, I can't compete with that. Millions of dollars may be a drop in the bucket to them, but that's a great investment I can't afford.
I WILL vote against Scott Walker for Governor. His policies have directly hurt me. If only I could JUST vote against someone and not for anyone else.
Anyway, Steven Colbert has delved into this issue more than any candidate has. It takes a comedian on cable I guess.
Vote Mary Burke for Wisconsin Governor. She's not Scott Walker!
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